Here I am

Well almost a week has gone by without a blog post, it was not intentional just nothing to say really. So I took the week off from blogging but I had time for other stuff.

It has been a beautiful week here and I have been watching a tree across the parking lot from the Rectory starting to change color. I have heard that we are going to have great color this fall so I feel some trips will be taken.

Many of you know I have a pop up or tent trailer and this year all I seem to do is move it from one place in the yard to another. Well I am going to plan some trips. I began work yesterday taking care of all the seams and securing any leaks so my head does not get wet when I sleep. I also needed to get a new part welded on. That task has been completed and I have a few more seams to seal and then we are ready. I have a few places I would like to visit and my plan is to take two days in the middle of the week and head off somewhere. So stay tuned you never know where I might turn up.

So another Sunday is upon us and soon Liturgy will begin. Last week was the Gospel passage about Jesus walking on water. I did not preach on that passage and it is one of my favorites so I think I will preach on that one today. I guess we will be a week behind.

This afternoon I am off on an excursion to try and get an interview for the Shepherd of Souls Podcast. More on that if it happens. If you follow me on twitter you will be able to keep up with my movements.

Pleasant day to all. Get out side and breath the fresh air!

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