Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

Thanks be to Thee, Jesus Christ,
Who brought’st me up from last night,
To the gladsome light of this day,
To win everlasting life for my soul,
Through the blood Thou didst shed for me.

Praised be to Three, O God, for ever,
For the blessings Thou didst bestow on me:
My food, my speech, my work, my health.

And I beseech Thee
To shield me from sin,
To shield me from ill,
To shield me this night,
And I low and poor,
O God of the poor!
O Christ of the wounds!
Give me wisdom along with Thy grace.

May the Holy One claim me,
And protect me on sea and on land,
And lead me on from step to step,
To the peace of the Everlasting City,
The peace of the Everlasting City!

Carmina Gadelica Collected by Alexander Carmichael

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